Tap for Reading: a better way for residents to help tackle homelessness

This Wednesday saw the launch of an exciting new initiative to help those most in need around the borough, called Tap for Reading.

We know Reading’s residents are great at looking out for others, and those keen to help Reading’s homeless can now do so effortlessly via the new Tap for Reading initiative.

In partnership with Reading BID we have installed five tap points around Reading – in Broad Street Mall, at Reading Station, in the Oracle (outside Pret A Manger), in The Purple Turtle and in the Ebb and Flow apartments foyer in Friar Street.

READ MORE: People no longer have to be worried about begging as new donation scheme to help the homeless launches

You can simply visit one of those locations and tap your card (or phone if you use it for banking) to contribute directly to our homelessness charity partners.

Tap for Reading donations are divided equally between the four charities involved in Reading’s Homelessness Partnership – Launchpad, The Salvation Army, St Mungo’s and YMCA – to provide practical support to people who are, or have been, rough sleeping in Reading.

They will ensure that funds donated are used for what is needed most to help get individuals off the streets and back on their feet, by directing the funds to provide the most appropriate support for them personally. This could include essential items such as clothing, specialist courses, travel to appointments, kitchen items and furnishings to make a home, and ID support to open bank accounts and register with doctors and dentists.

We know there have been issues around begging in Reading town centre with residents often uncomfortably put upon and compelled to give money when asked, and we hope that

Tap for Reading will help deter begging on the streets to reduce this issue. Giving in that way only leads to an increase in begging, which can be aggressive and isn’t always by people who are homeless. There are also no guarantees that the money you give will be spent on essential items. So whilst it can seem like the kindest thing to do, giving money directly often means those most in need of genuine support do not receive help, at the expense of people who might not be homeless but may practice begging for other reasons.

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Our message is clear – Tap for Reading is now the best way to help our homeless in Reading. By giving solely with a “tap” it ensures your funds reach the right people, in genuine need, with the best support they can receive.

For more information on the Tap for Reading initiative, and to donate online if you can’t get to a tap point, go to www.reading.gov.uk/tapforreading

Aside from using the Council’s tap points to help reduce homelessness, the best thing residents can do if they suspect someone is homeless is report it via www.thestreetlink.org.uk. Reports are sent straight to the Council’s commissioned outreach services so they can provide direct support to homeless people.

Reading Chronicle | Town Centre